External dormancy results when a seed's hard seed coat is impervious to water and gases. The seed will not germinate until the seed coat is altered physically. Any process of breaking, scratching, or mechanically altering the seed coat to make it permeable to water and gases is known as scarification. In nature this may occur during the winter, when freezing temperatures crack the seed coat or while microbial activities modify the seed coat as the seed lies in the soil. Scarification may also occur as the seed passes through the digestive tract of an animal.
With mechanical scarification, seeds are filed with a metal file, rubbed with sandpaper, or cracked gently with a hammer to weaken (break) the seed coat. Another method is hot water scarification. Bring water to a boil (212F), remove the pot from the stove, and place the seeds into the water. Soak the seeds until the water cools; then remove them and let them dry.
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Propagation is not likely to be successful unless you properly care for the plants for a year or two after budding or grafting. If you use binding materials such as waxed string or nursery tape, remove them shortly after growth starts to prevent girdling. Rubber budding strips have some advantages over other materials. They expand with growth and usually do not need to be removed because they deteriorate after several months. Inspect the grafts after two or three weeks to see if the grafting wax has cracked and, if necessary, rewax the exposed surface. After this, the union will probably have healed and no more waxing will be necessary.
Root problems are worse in older types of sewer systems composed of tilesor tar paper rolled to form pipe. These systems are prone to leakage whichattracts the roots to the pipe and provides the roots a means of entranceinto the pipe. Newer plastic sewer pipe is less subject to root problemssince, if properly installed, it will not leak and attract the roots.There is still a chance that a root will grow along side the pipe. As theroot grows in diameter, it may then crush the pipe, cracking it, andallowing leakage and root entry into the pipe. 2ff7e9595c